Sunday, April 4, 2010

What Are the Symptoms of a Kidney Stone?

Symptoms of a kidney stone are one of things that would never wish you would experience. The extreme pain it causes can make you think you are dying because of the pain. If you think you are suffering from one, then here are some of the common symptoms.

Pain is the foremost symptom of kidney stone. Where the pain is located depends on where the stone is located and how big the stone is. For smaller stones you may experience little to no pain at all. For larger stones however, you may experience extreme pain in one area of the back, reaching down the front. The pain is pulsating that is experienced wave after wave.

Experiencing painful urination is another common symptom. Your body is trying get rid of the stones. This causes you to go to the bathroom almost continuously. This is very painful and uncomfortable. This symptom however can also be a symptom of bladder infection. If you ever experience this it is better to seek the doctor for immediate diagnosis and treatment.

Blood in the urine is another common indication that you may be suffering from kidney stones. The stones can actually graze the inside of the kidney and the ureter, which in turn causes in blood when you urinate.

Nausea and vomiting are another symptoms of kidney stones. This nerve cluster will make you experience sickness in your stomach. This results to vomiting. Always seek a doctor's opinion to make sure about your condition.

When you experience these symptoms of a kidney stone, you need to go to the doctor immediately to ensure that you in fact have stones in your kidney and not something else or something worse. What doctors do is give you an ultrasound to be able see what is going on. Usually the doctors will wait to give the stone time to pass on its own if it is small. However if it is larger, it may require surgery or treatment.

Your best bet into preventing or treating kidney stones is to drink lots of water. This allows the stones to pass much quicker. A lot of people have benefited with the natural methods of preventing and curing kidney stones.
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P.S Learn about the causes and types of kidney stones (calcium stones and uric acid stones) and how to prevent the formation of kidney stones Get It Here NOW

P.P.S Learn what kidney stone treatment works to dissolve kidney stones without pain Just Click Here

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